Don’t be petty — love Valentine’s Day

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Hello and happy third Monday of February!

It is the third Monday of the month, so it’s Petty Paper time! But first, I want to say thank you again to my cousin, Jordan (and Bingo), for being last week’s Paper Person. Bingo really engaged the audience with her international incident.

Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day, my lovely paper people! I trust that you’re all enjoying your long weekend. And if you’re not, well, live your truth. As I write this week’s bulletin, I am living my best life. I am sipping a delicious bottle of Tank (no free ads?) wine called “falling/for/you” and watching my (and every other girl born in the 90’s) favorite movie of all time. Yes, Nancy Meyers’s, The Parent Trap. So, naturally, I had a “brilliant beyond brilliant idea”: make everything about The Parent Trap. Stay with me here…

I’ve always loved Valentine’s Day — the parties at school, getting to sit down with the class roster and write out everyone’s name, admiring the flowers that my dad would get for my mom, and so on. Also, it’s basically a day where paper gets to be the ‘it girl’. Cards galore. As kids, Valentine’s Day is solely a celebration of love. As you get older, you’re fed this idea that the real Valentine’s Day is a celebration for lovers, which, for some, can make it a tough day. We also live in a culture that perpetuates this idea that the only way to be whole, happy, and fulfilled is to have romantic love. And that is just not true. First of all, Valentine’s Day is one day of the year. Second of all, we are experiencing a horrific pandemic, and therefore it’s never been more clear that now is the time to focus on what we do have, rather than what we don’t have. Third, are you alive? If yes, you have love in your life. It might not be the exact type you’re longing for, but (and I say this with love), get over it. You are so lucky to be able to experience love, be it friendship, family, personal, or anything else. You’re alive, you’re loved, and you’re just fine.

But if you’re sad, that’s okay. Nothing is forever except for spring break tattoos and absolutely everything you post on the internet. And if that doesn’t make you feel better, then it’s time for “Lessons of Love 101 - as told by characters of The Parent Trap” (trademark pending).

Annie, mood music, please.

*cue L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole*

From my desk, to yours.



Sammy — Your dog will always find you. The love they have for you can always and will always be sniffed out.

Viki & Les Blake — If you truly love your daughter, you will stop raising her with the expectation that she must find a rich man to marry.

Chessy — Those who love you always know when you’re straight-up lying and being something you’re not.

Martin — Be bold. Wear the “speedo”. Go for it.

Grandfather — Multigenerational living is the key to happiness and feeling not alone. Also, money can’t buy you happiness or love, but it sure can buy you a yacht for the night in the hopes of rekindling the flame between your daughter and ex-son-in-law. And that, my friends, is love.

Meredith Blake — Being hot with great style is cool, but if you only have that to offer and you plan to marry someone just for money, you will always end up in the middle of a lake, alone. Literally or figuratively. 

Elizabeth James — After heartbreak, build your life. But also, if love comes back around in the form of a hot, young Dennis Quaid in a private collection wine cellar in a mansion in Napa, maybe don’t be too proud to embrace it? Just a thought.

Nick Parker — Almost all men need every single little thing spelled out for them when it comes to matters of the heart. “I didn’t know that you wanted me to” in response to Elizabeth, his WIFE at the time, saying that he didn’t chase after her after she headed back to England with one of his DAUGHTERS. Bro, what?! 

Annie James & Hallie Parker — You never know where your quest for bringing others together will lead you. Go boldly in the direction of your dreams because you too might just find out you have an identical twin who also loves Oreos & Peanut Butter.

*cue This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) by Natalie Cole*

In closing, if you’re still feeling sad, write a letter to someone you love. Until next week xo.

Francesca PompiliComment